Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hi! (aka introduction)

My name is Marina, but I always want to introduce myself with a cooler name or nickname but I haven't come up with anything else I want to go by other than the lovin' handle given to me by my parents. People always pronounce it in a silly way or as part of a song or try to pinpoint my origins as eastern European.

I started college and found a job in Toronto, and even got a dog, but I just kept feeling restless and I never got to like the city. Part of it is the city itself, and another part is me - I still don't know what to do with my life. I always say I want to try something new, so I guess I finally got to it.

The decision to go to NZ to "reset" was a spontaneous one, as I never talked about it. In pretty much under a month I quit my job, got my visa, my tickets and a backpack. I felt like I was doing all right with my job in IT but there just wasn't any excitement. Hopefully in NZ, I could find some adventure.

I am not sure how long I am going to stay here - anywhere between a month to a year is fair game. That way, if I don't like it, I would go back and if I do I would have the time to stay in places of interest as long as I want to (and money allows).
I don't suppose I want this to be strictly a travel diary - as there are a ton of these out there from people who have been to many more places that I even dare to aspire to, but every once in a while I feel like blogging, and a trip as a good place to start as any.

Photo: My dog, Lady, who was left behind with my parents and their dog.


Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Just when I decide it's a good time to do Tongariro Crossing, the mountain has a small tantrum and throws some rocks around. The res...