Originally, when I was planning my trip to NZ (like a week before I actually left there), Mt.Cook was the second thing I was going to see right after Christchurch. But due to a confusion with my vineyard exchange date, I ended up moving a few things around to accommodate a new travel schedule and this ended up being on my "to do list while on the way back up again".
Might've been for the best - mountains are somehow more dramatic when are topped by snow. Also apparently, between the peak period of summer and the skiing season starting July, I landed on the perfect quiet time where the most popular track - the Hooker Valley Track is not busy.
Surrounded by mountains - I found them slightly a strange combination. On one side - the hill is covered by thick trees and vegetation. Opposite it are high mountains, bare of vegetation, but at the base - yellow sweeping grasses and low trees/bushes that remind me somewhat of Africa.
The Tasman glacier |