Got picket up from the hostel at the ungodly time of 7:15 am to a small train station. It's a foggy morning, so visibility isn't as great as I would've liked it to be.
Outside Christchurch there is only the countryside, with more sheep and cows than there are people. Food wise this is a huge up NZ has over North America. Meat here is free range and sold in supermarkets. Something which is expensive and not so easy to come by in Canada.
The crazy mountain weather is such that one one side of the mountain it is rainy and foggy and on the other it is sunshine with no trace of clouds in the sky! We went through a tunnel and no more fog or rain or anything like that.
Photos are crap to take from here, they just fail to capture how utterly gorgeous the area really is. Sunlit mountains and fields of grass. Reminds me of Africa slightly. The mountains are carved by a now gone glacier and there are valleys and rivers down the mountain. It's just so unreal.
The mountains are different on the two coasts as well. The mountains on the east coast are all brown and bare with fields underneath. Mountains on the west coast are covered in thick vegetation aka The Bush, which according to the guidebook is actually a rainforest.
According the people, it rains 70% of the time on the west coast and it rained 25 days in the month of February. I guess I gotta get used to wet weather, or go buy some light raingear as I don't think I can stay indoors if it rains daily.